Surgical SuturesWe are offering wound closure products to meet special surgical needs for skin and organ tissues.
Absorbable HemostatsHemostats are sensitive materials and these are among indispensable elements of surgical intervention and operations.
Surgical MeshesThey are medicinal products in the form of patches used to strengthen weak tissues in hernia repairs.
Surgical Temporary Pacing WireTempowire temporary pacing wire is twisted 316LVM stainless steel wire, with low density PE (LD-PE) coated (sheathed), with double needle, with or without anchor.
Non-Absorbable Surgical Felt (PTFE)The next generation of Pledgets provides full support for sutured texture.
Suture Needle TypesNeedles that are the most important elements of the surgical sutures are manufactured with various properties and at various measurements.
Knowledge Base
Information BookInteractive information bank where you can access to all details about our products and how to use these products…
Medical Equipment
Medical MaterialsInnovative, easy-to-use, and practical medical and surgical products for surgical operations…