These medical devices or medical materials called surgical mesh or surgery mesh are used for hernia repair for weak tissues and to act as artificial reconstructive materials in damaged tissues such as the groin region which are applied as a layer. The surgical meshes that are used in the operation can be made from the patient’s own tissues as well as from cadaver or animal depending on the surgical operation and operation conditions. Today, synthetic surgical meshes are generally preferred. (1)
What Is Surgical Mesh and What Are The Usage Areas?
Knowledge Base
In this post, we are looking into what is a surgical mesh also known as surgery mesh and what are the surgical mesh usage areas...

What Are The Surgical Mesh Usage Areas?
The surgical mesh use has become a standard procedure for inguinal hernia around the world. These surgical meshes are used in hernia treatment as a mesh and it is discovered that the implantation of these meshes decreased the hernia recurrence rate. According to a randomized clinic study, the recurrence rate for inguinal hernia was 1% when surgical mesh was used to repair inguinal hernia and the recurrence rate for inguinal hernia was 7% when the inguinal hernia was repaired without the surgical mesh. (2)
Which Surgical Meshes Do We Have?
As Boz Medical, we offer 3 different surgical meshes under surgical mesh category to use the right product for the treatment of all types of hernia. All absorbable, non-absorbable and semi-absorbable synthetic surgical meshes have the ideal pore gap for tissue healing and accelerates the tissue healing with braided structure. Our meshes are flexible, strong and transparent without clustering and with long-term durability. (6)
Monoprolen Mesh
Monoprolen Mesh is a non-absorbable, dye-free and synthetic surgical mesh with polypropylene (PP) filaments. This surgical mesh with monofilament and non-absorbable structure is sterilized with ethylene oxide. The polypropylene polymer structure is the same as the Monoprolen Suture in our suture category. (4, 6)
Since Monoprolen Mesh is uncoated and has the ideal porosity, this mesh offers additional support to weak or damaged tissue. This mesh type that gives high force and durability as well as spatial stability for surgical operation region does not shrink due to thin mesh structure. (4, 6)
Non-Absorbable Surgical MeshTo learn more about Monoprolen Mesh and place your order, visit our product page…
Caprolen Mesh
Caprolen Mesh is a two-component semi-absorbable surgical mesh with polypropylene and poly (glycolid-co-caprolacton) (PP and PGCL) segments. Caprolen mesh surgical mesh is used for repairing soft and sensitive tissues such as hernia. This surgical mesh is sterilized with ethylene oxide and it is a light mesh with perfect grip thanks to uncoated structure. This mesh offers high-level initial hardness like the heavy meshes as well as perfect flexibility after absorption (soft mesh). After the poly (glycolid-co-caprolacton, 75/25) components absorbed, a polypropylene mesh stays in the surgical operation region to support the tissue. Poly (glycolid-co-caprolacton, 75/25) structure is the same as the Monokaprol Suture in our suture category. (3, 6)
Bacteria colonization is prevented with monofilament structure and infection risk is minimized. Thus, pain and discomfort are minimized as well. This surgical mesh offers better tissue grip thanks to large pores and the purple strip on the mesh is created to facilitate placing the mesh to surgical operation region such as inguinal hernia repair. (3, 6)
Semi-Absorbable Composite MeshTo learn more about Caprolen Mesh and place your order, visit our product page…
Gliko Mesh
Gliko Mesh is a synthetic, absorbable and sterile copolymer with 90% glycolid and 10% L- lactide (gylocolic and lactic acid). The co-polymer structure is the same as Glikolak synthetic absorbable suture in our suture category. This surgical mesh is sterilized with ethylene oxide and it has colourless (natural) and purple coloured versions. (5, 6)
This surgical mesh has monofilament structure to prevent bacteria formation and it is uncoated. Gliko-Mesh is a surgical mesh designed to offer temporary support to healing tissues. The mesh can be cut in desired shape and size for surgical operations. This mesh is often used in hernia problems in children due to absorbable property. (5, 6)
Absorbable Surgical MeshTo learn more about Gliko Mesh and place your order, visit our product page…
(1) Cerrahi Mesh – Yama (n.d.). Obtained from
(2) Metin Ertem, Emel Özveri, Hakan Gök, Acıbadem Kozyatağı Hastanesi, Genel Cerrahi, İstanbul, Türkiye (2011): Hiatal fıtıklarda yamalı onarım: Cerrahi teknik ve erken dönem sonuçlarımız.
(3) Caprolen Mesh – Polyproplene (PP) Sterile Synthetic Partially Absorbable Composite Mesh – Prospectus (n.d.). Boz Medical. Access address:
(4) Monoprolen Mesh – Polypropylene (PP) Sterile Synthetic Nonabsorbable Mesh – Use Instruction – Prospectus (n.d.). Boz Medical. Access address:
(5) Gliko Mesh – Poly[glycolide(90%)-co-lactide(10%)] Sterile Synthetic Absorbable Mesh – Use Instruction – Prospectus (n.d.). Boz Medical. Access address:
(6) Surgical Mesh (2021). Boz Medical. Access address: